Our main goal is elaborating and commercializing D.O. Rías Baixas wines in a different way and within a perfectly defined core idea: respect for traditional how-to-do combined with highest technology. This perfect match has led our winery to be a D.O. Rías Baixas reference, and it makes us move forward a better future.

“Respect for traditional how-to-do combined with highest technology.”

Programs we belong to thanks to our I+D+i Department

In Adegas Valmiñor we bet since the very beginning for viticulture based on the vanguard and wine investigation. Cold maceration, non-stop daily improvements and techniques in our vineyards are some of our basis. We always try to go further, strongly betting for future and improved tradition.

Sectoral programs: PEME I+D and I+D SUMA
Implantation of precision viticulture techniques in O Rosal conditions (D.O. Rías Baixas)
The main goal of this program is to improve prime materials quality we use for wine elaboration, using the Precision Viticulture own techniques.

It improves the wine-making potential of Galician grape varieties, agronomic optimization and effect of the microclimate in the dry rot diseases incidence.
Thanks to this program, the different white varieties – Albariño, Loureiro, Treixadura, Caiño Blanco and Godello- are globally analyzed in a environmentally sustainable and respectful way. But also red varieties – Caiño Tinto and Castañal- grown in D.O. Rías Baixas vineyards are also analyzed.

INNPACTO subprogram
Developments of an enological itinerary  in order to elaborate free of sulfur dioxide high quality wines
This proyect is trying to develop an enological itinerary that lets elaborate and commercialize high quality wines free of sulfites, because it is deeply interesting finding alternatives to this product, which can provoke allergic reactions in sensitive people.

2014 Collaboration challenges (VALESGAL 2014)
Galician varietal singularity: obtainance of sparkling wines from Albariño and Loureiro grapes
The general goal of this project is the developing of a specific enological itinerary proper for Albariño and Loureiro grapes, which allow the elaboration of high quality Galician sparkling wines.

Use of biotechnologies to obtain new aromatized wines coming from Galician traditional vines
INTER-WINARWAL is a project R+D run by a group of companies, whose main aim is the elaboration of a singular and quality aromatized wine (vermouth), coming from base wines made with regional traditional vines, and with Galician aromatic herbs, in order to obtain a 100% Galician product that satisfies the current demand of this kind of wine product.

This project counts with a total budget of 1,1 million of euros and it is financed together with the European Union and the CDTI – Industrial Technological Development Centre – with FEDER funds, through the Pluriregional Intelligent Growing Operative Program 2014-2020.

The consortium is formed by some of the most important Galician and Spanish wineries: Pazo de San Mauro (representative company or consortium leader), Adegas Valmiñor and Adegas Moure, along with two of the most relevant investigation centres of the national wine outlook, as VITEC-Wine Technological Center (Falset-Tarragona) and Arce Award Foundation through the Chemistry and Food technology Department of the Biosystems, Alimentation and Agronomy ETSI (UPM).

The forecasted actions in this project frame have a duration of 30 months and take place between July 2nd of 2015 and December 31st of 2017.

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Operation financed together with the European Union.
Operative Programme FSE Galicia 2014-2020
Hiring of internationalization assistants (IG166.2016)

As a support to the process of internationalization of the company, Adegas Valmiñor S.L. has been given a grant by the IGAPE to hire an assistant, within the IGAPE grants to hire internationalization assistants 2016 call, financed together with the European Social Found into the 2014-2020 Galician FSE Operative Programme, and included into the Thematic Goal 08 to get professional training and a quality employment.

European Social Fond, FSE invests in your future.

The main goal of these grants is to ease the acquisition of professional skills in international business area through internships in companies at the same time the  Galician SME’s are supported in their process of expansion and internationalization. The aimed result is that the professionals keep hired after their participation in the program, in the same company or in another one thanks to the practical experience and skills given.